Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

So, as a gift to all of my readers, I'm writting a blog! :O Imagine such a thing! A Blog, on a bloggers profile!!! :P Just kidding.
I wish you all a very merry Christmas. And now I'm going to share with you how wierd my family is.
So, on January 6th my family celebrates something called "3 Kings Day" Which is actually a spanish holiday and they treat the "3 Kings" As most treat "Santa Clause". Which my family doesn't do but we will get to that later. The point is, we don't really do the Christmas thing as you might expect. We open a few things but the fun part is on January 6th! :)
My family tries to focus less on the trimmings for Christmas, and then just blow out on 3 Kings Day. We remember that Jesus came into the world and why. That we hang lights to remember the "Light of the World" aka Jesus. And basically the "True meaning of Christmas" And usually I hate when someone says that anymore because a  lot of people don't even know what that is, they think people should focus less on getting than giving or something like that...
Anyway... January 6th is going to be a much "better" day for me... Pardon my lack of words.

Also... I started out this holiday season thinking that it's my first Christmas with my boy friend, and we  are going to have a lot of fun and do everything... But, turns out he had to go off to Texas for the holiday season and leave me behind... I was definately not thrilled with this. But! I have the good news that we get to spend January 6th together to  celebrate and that will be much more fun for both of us I'm sure. :)

And I know that you all don't really care what goes on in my life... I'm just sort of entertaining. I get it... :P

Never mind that. :P I hope you all have a wonderful day and if you feel like saying "Happy 3 Kings Day" on my post on the 6th feel free! :) I would love to hear from you.

Anywho... PLEASE Subscribe! I need to put this in there because a lot of you havent.... SHAME!!!  :P Just Kidding. But really. Subscribe.

 Since I end every blog with my PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! speech. I will attempt to  leave on better terms because it's a holiday and all... :)

Mery Christmas! I love you all! :)



Your faithful writer A J 



Alright I cant do it... Please subscribe! :P



Just kidding!


Merry Christmas! :)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Who is in your "tent"?

So, last night I had this really weird dream. And this is a blog so I will tell you about it...
There was this tent. In this tent were all the people I have ever known in my life. You know how you have different kinds of friends? Those ones you were close to when you were little, but then you went to different schools? Or the ones who you just know, but you don't really like them or their presence at all? Well... EVERYONE was their. It didn't matter who they were, they were all there. All the guys I have ever liked, all the people who I loved, all the people I don't really enjoy so much, EVERYBODY! And I was walking around arguing with the people I usually argue with, and loving on people who I usually love on; and it got me thinking... Suicide is something that you hear of a lot, and even something that I have tried myself. But how would that effect all the people in that tent? Even the people who don't like me that much would miss me because they won't have anyone else to pick on... Right? :P
But lets think for a minute... How much do you think you would be missed? If you could gather everyone you ever knew in one "tent" so to speak, what would happen? There are those people that you don't enjoy so much, and the people you love. People who hate your guts, the people who loved them. Your childhood playmates, and your friends now. Just everybody, you get the picture. What do you think would go on in that tent? You would get loved on and screamed at, at the same time! Exciting right?
Let's take a minute to think about all the people you have ever affected in your life? What do you want them to think of you when you are gone?
Why don't we all start living like we actually care what people think instead of just blowing them off? Those old ladies in the store who just can't seem to reach the whipped-cream on the top shelf suddenly think the world of you if you say "Can I help you with that?" Especially if you have manners and are a teenager... WOW! You wouldn't believe the faces you get.
This is basically a time for you to think about actually how many people you have affected in your life. There are a lot I'm sure.
Now that I have written all this down... It's early and I am going to try to get more sleep if I can... :P
Thanks for reading!!!! I hope this got you thinking! :)
Also my apologies, I haven't been updating as much as usual... But, here you go. It's an update. I can't count how many times my boyfriend has asked me "When are you going to update your blog?" So Ben... Here you go. :)
Anyway... PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!!! :)
Your faithful writer A J.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


H2O... Rain... Umbrella... Clouds... Anything else you relate  to rain?
I love rain, it is a great gift from God! And especially where I live is all desert, a little rain is great! :) I ran in the rain today, and that was a lot of fun! The excitement of rain, cool breeze, and excercise really excites me. And although I feel extremely sore, it's all worth it.
And yes... this was really short, I just thought I would update and tell everyone how much I love rain! :)
Thanks for reading! Your faithful writer A J
Please subscribe!!!!!!!! :) 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Wait.... I'm how old now?!?!?!?!

Growing up has to be my biggest fear ever. I can remember when i was younger and I thought I had problems... But now! Heavens, I thought I had problems but they were just little itty bitty things. Now i have what seems to me to be even bigger problems. I guess I will look back when I am say 35 and say "Those were *problems!!! I don't think so! Not even close!" Seriously though, how many times have you had to tell someone how old you were, and then directly after thought "Wait... How old did I say I was?!? That's insane! Just yesterday I said I was half that!" Growing up is a scary thing. And everybody has to do it! We all get closer to the time we die from the day we are born. That's just sad to think about. Think about it, we are all old, and dying every day we are older. Crazy I tell you! Just crazy.
Anway... That is my biggest fear. Recently I had to tell someone I was 17, and I was thinking "Really? I'm 17! When did that happen?" I guess for you with kids, when you think of how old your kids are it's even worse because they are so old. You didn't realize yourself getting old, but you realized you kids, and that's probably scarier.
We get so caught up in life, and the older you are the faster it seems to go by. Life has it's own chalenges for whatever part of life you're in. Different people have different challenges,but there is always someone else you can go to with your problem whatever it is.
It is crazy to think though, I am really old... I'm starting to get sore after dancing, and tired... All these new things, I just can't keep up with it all! :P
Anyway... This is just me complaining that I'm so old. XD
Thanks for reading! :) Your faithful writer-A J
Please subscribe! :)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Since when?!?!?!?

Ok.... I think the main thing I want to talk about is: Why do people blame my parents for things that I do wrong? "Your momma taught you better than that." is one of the phrases I hate the most. Since when are my mistakes my parents fault? I can understand the thought process, but really? I make my own choices, please don't judge my parents or any other kids parents for their bad behavior.
Another thing... Please, do not tell other people how to discipline thier children. It is truely not your business if you see a parent spanking their child, or disciplining in any way. Not that I agree that you should strive to publicly display you correcting your child, but if it needs to be done, it needs to be done. Don't judge a parent because it was suddenly necessary to discipline their child while you could see.
Thirdly and lastly: Just because you see a teenager with a todler doesnt mean it is theirs. I have a two year old sister... And I am a senior in highschool. I can't count how many times somebody has asked me "who's the father?" or said things like "Can't you control your baby?" or "She is cute... are you married?" just random strangers! first off, it's not your business, second off why are you suddenly jumping to that conclusion? Do I honestly look like that kind of girl to you? I mean really? Let's think logically. I could understand you thinking that if I wore clothes that don't cover everything they are supposed to, or can be labeled "clothes" at all. But, I don't. So please people... Let's not think every teenager is (for lack of better terms) a slut, because we aren't.
This is my list of "Since when's?!?!?!?" I will probably add to this... but I think this is good for now.
Thanks for reading! I know I haven't updated at all lately... but hey, that's life. :P
Your faithful writer A J Pleas subscribe!!! :)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

What's expected of a "normal" teenager?

I went through my entire past with people telling me that I would grow up to be really pretty, and have lots of boyfriends, and be married at age 18. As a girl, this is the norm. Well, seeing as 18 is only a short year away from me, I really can't picture myself getting married right now, and at this point in my life. Although I have no doubt that when I do get married I will be ready, it's not happening tomorrow. As a girl it is normal for people to expect you to have a boyfriend, and be dating around from 16-21. Just because this is "normal" doesn't make it right. If you want my advice on relationships just read the blog titled "When God writes a love story" it was uploaded on May 20th. But this isn't the point of this blog.
This blog is to let you know that things are expected of you that shouldn't necessarily be expected. Such as knowing what you want to do with your life when you are an adult, having a boy/girl friend, knowing what college you want to go to. etc. Not everyone knows all this stuff about themselves at age 14. And even if you have a plan at 14 it will most likely change in the future. Having an idea of what you want to do is great! But unless you're a planner like me, don't be to worried about the details. If you take me for example I have had the "details" for my wedding planned out since I was what... 11? Now, things have changed (obviously) but most of it is the same. I won't bore you with my details seeing as if you came to my wedding you wouldn't be suprised, not to mention you probably don't want to know. Anyway... I just turned 17, there is no reason that I should have my whole life planned out, even though I do. A normal teenager doesn't know! There is so much going on in our silly little lives that we have no room for planning. So please, we know it's a good thing to think about... But not everyone knows. My best friend for example has a plan... ish... type situation. She doesn't know exactly what will happen, she just wants to take things as they come, and that's perfectly fine. Not everyone has to have a plan. So you don't have to ask us what the plan is...
Lets face it. Teenagers have a bad rep. So many of us have given into their hormones in horrid ways, but not all of us have... We are unfortunately treated like we are rude, inappropriate, bad mouthing, shove offs. When really most of us aren't. Yes there are some who have no respect for elders, but it's more rare than it is common. If it looks like it's common it's because the teenagers feel like that's what is expected, so they might as well have fun doing it. This is just wrong... Honestly needs to be changed.
I think that's all for now... Thanks for reading! :)
Your faithful writer A J
Please subscribe!!! :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The so called "normal"

In the title of this blog I call myself a "normal teenager". Far be it from me that I be called "normal" I really shouldn't have labeled it this way... but, in lot's of ways weird, or so called "ab-normal" is the norm. Many, many teenagers today wonder why they are different, or feel like no-one likes them. This is not true. Everyone has a friend, and really what they make out in hollywood to be "normal" is far from normal. What is the definition of "normal" compared to any teenager? "Normal"... That's a mysterious word... We don't have the right to be called "normal". If everyone was "normal" we would all be the same, and how much fun would that be? walk around everywhere and everyone looked, smelled, acted the same. If we were all immature, would that be "normal"? Or would we be irritated with everyone including ourselves? Lets face it, "normal" is unattainable, so why would we want to be normal? Why not just embrace the amazing weird person you are, and learn to love yourself? That is something we can achieve. Learning to live with the person we are and not to absolutly hate it.
So, instead of asking how you can be normal why not ask yourself "what can I do to be ab-normal"? The norm for girls is to yell at their moms, cut themselves, hate the way they look, envy other girls, and basically hate who they are. Why not change this? Why not be ab-normal? You can already tell what is better. So, why not make the change for the better. Don't be normal! It's not that hard... Don't get a tatoo when you turn 18 just because you can now, don't go to parties because you wonder what drinking and getting drunk is like, don't do what "normal" people do. Those "normal" people will want to be more and more like you if you don't want to be like them. Everyone can see which option is better, why not take it?
Thanks for reading! :) I hope you enjoyed it and aren't so worried about being normal now.
Your faithful writter: A J

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Spelling... Spehling? .... Spalling? Don't know...

Ak.... Ok....?
If you have been reading this blog for any amount of time at all... You have (most likely) noticed... I am a horrific speller. So, I thought I would tell you what my normal spelling mistakes are.

Have you ever seen the word "Throught" where obviously a "Through" went? I have a tendancy to add a "T" to the end of the word "through".... Like every time... K....? Deal with it.

Sometimes, I Just forget how many "S's" go into the word I'm spelling.... Like, Passion, or Confession, I put one "S" instead of 2... But, you get it right?

Anyways.... Moving on, I know that my spelling is atrocious... attrocis? atrosish?.... Don't know... But, if you look at it in context you should be able to understand... I have noticed in one of my blog's I said "Don'e" instead of "Don't" so.... Yeah... it just happens once in a while... So, yeah... Any spelling mistakes just take a secand, and look closely, Yes... I mispelled it on purpose were you paying attention? GOOD! That means you're actually reading instead of scanning! I don't know why that's exciting... But, it is. I voted.

Moving on... This is short, but now you know. And your life is complete.

Thanks for reading... Rehding... redding... reedin...? Don't know. Don't care. ok... NOW your life is complete.

Thanks for reading. Your faithful writer, A J

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Life as a woman.

Before I begin I would like to list the attributes of the woman God expects from us all.
          The Proverbs 31 Woman
                An excelent wife who can find?
                 She is far more precious than jewls.
               The heart of her husband trusts in her
                  and he will have no lack of gain.
               She does him good and not harm
                  all the days of her life.
               She seeks wool and flax
                  and works with wiling hands.
               She is like the ships of a merchant,
                  she brings her food from afar.
               She rises while it is yet night,
                  and provides food for her household,
                      and portions for her maidens.
                 She considers a field and buys it,
                     with the fruit of her hands,
                         she plants a vinyard.
                  She dresses herself with strength,
                       and makes her arms strong.
                   She percieves that her merchandise is profitable.
                        Her lamp does not go out at night.
                  She puts out her hand to the distaff,
                        and her hands to the spindle.
                  She opens her hand to the poor,
                        and reaches her hand to the needy.
                   She is not afraid of snow for her houshold.
                         for all her houshold is clothed with scarlet.
                   She makes bed covering for herself,
                         her clothing is fine linen and purple.
                   Her husband is known in the gates,
                         when he sits among the elders of the land.
                  She makes linen and garments and sells them;
                          she delivers sashes to the merchant.
                   Streangth and dignity are her clothing,
                          she laughs at the day to come.
                    She opens her mouth with wisdom,
                           and the teaching of kindness is on her toungue.
                    She looks well to the ways of her houshold,
                            and does not eat the bread of idleness.
                     Her children rise up and call her blessed.
                           her husband also, and he praises her.
                     "Many women have done excelently,
                           But you surpass them all."
                      Charm is decietful and beauty is vain,
                            But a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
                       Give her of the fruits of her hands,
                              and let her works praise her in the gates.

Obviously, this is perfection.

I wanted to spend some time looking at women, and how much we really are suposed to be
doing as the "woman of the house". This is a new term to a lot of you. We seem to put an awful lot of pressure on the "Man of the House". I can think of many terms we have... Lets see: "Bread winner", "Dad", "Man of the House"... and others. But when do we ever hear of the woman? She is important too. More behind the scenes, granted, but she is there. And that is a very hard job. Have you ever really thought (if you are a young lady still living with your mother.) What your mother really does for you? When's the last time you have said "Mom, let me do the laundry today." or "Hey, I'll cook dinner, why don't you spend some time with dad?" Now, obviously the first few times she is going to think you fell off your rocker. But go ahead and try doing something for your mom, or even more than one thing. She will be gratefull, and you will get first hand experience on how hard your mom really works. Growing to be a woman after God's own heart is the best thing you could ever do in life. And let me tell you, your future husband will thank you. If you're married already, why not make the change now? It's for the better.
The verses start out with "an excelent wife, who can find?" So, obviously this is unattainable. Now you're thinking "why try if you can never reach the goal anyway?" Reaching the goal is NOT THE POINT!!! Now you're saying "wow... wow... slow down. "Not the point?" What's the point of having a goal if the point is not to reach the goal? isn't that like defeating the purpose of the word "goal"?"  Ok... In a way it is defeating the purpose... and in a way, it's a very sad thing because you will never reach the goal you have strived after your entire life... And (to be quite honest) this still confuses me too. But, The goal is perfection. On this earth you will never reach perfection,because we live in a sinful fallen world. But, we can strive wholeheartedly for perfection. When we mess up, that's because we live in this fallen world. So, there is no point to beating yourself up about not being perfect. Who is? If you can find one perfect person on this earth (excepting Jesus) I will pay you the first million dollars I get. The funny thing is, is that everyone beats themselves up because they did something wrong, the didn't stick to a diet, or the gained muscel weight instead of loosing the fat weight they were trying to loose, many other things that get us girls sometimes. My petition to you is "What really matters?" Everything in our little world revolvs around the mirror. Is that what really matters? No. It's what inside that matters. Personally, I had to stop looking in the mirror for myself to realize that I didn't have to look in the mirror and tell myself how fat I was, and how much I differed, that I needed to change. I still don't look in the mirror some days. Now, doing your hair is a little dificult, I will admit. But, if you don't see it, it looks perfect for all you know. Anyways, back to the point...
I would sugest you try living by these Proverbs 31 attributes. Just don't cut yourself down when you fail. Try your hardest to be the Godly woman, and back up that Godly man in your
life, your dad counts, don't sit and watch idly by while everyone else is growing up except for you. Grow up, enjoy it! It only comes once. Whatever you do, don't look back with regret. Regret will make the beautiful woman you are look like tattered rags to yourself, while everyone else sees the true rose that is budding up from childhood.
Don'e get me wrong, I'm not telling you to get a big head because you are a "better woman" that the other lady walking down the street. Keep your pride in check, but meanwhile a good dose of "I'm a sinner, but God has forgiven me, and I too forgive myself" Can help you walk down the road with a smile on your face, instead of the scowl that is trying to pop out inside.
I know this was long... But again, I encourage you to dig deeper into the scriptures above, keep tabs on yourself, let God help you mold yourself into the woman God wants you to be.
Thanks for reading! I know it was long... But hey... it was worth it! :)
Thanks so much, I hope this did you some good.
Your writter-A J

Monday, July 23, 2012

What is life?

             Nothing to exciting I guess... Just back to normal life. Getting my Broadway fix as I type. :) I love this part of my life! Learning about music, is one of the best things EVER! It's also extremely helpful when you're trying to forget about something you don't want to think about. Just letting y'all know just in case! :P
             Many, many times we forget what life is about. So, I have a question for y'all to think about... What is life? This is quite the worldview question. You could wimp out, and use the dictionary definition: Existence in the physical world. But, I want ya'll to dig deeper! Really think about it. What does it mean to live? What are you living for? Is it worth it? If not, What would you rather be doing? Or should you just be happy with what you are already living for?
              All these questions should be answered. And if you don't have an answer, don't fret! Just find out what your answers are. Many times people go their whole lives without really knowing what they live for. I encourage you to figure out what it is that you live for, and if it's what you want to live for, find a way to pursue it harder.
               Unfortunately I don't know all of you on a personal level, so I can't help you... But, answering the questions above should help. I hope. :)

                  I don't really have much to say today, but I hope you enjoyed it. And I hope you all think about this REALLY HARD! :) Thanks for reading! Your writer- A J

Friday, July 13, 2012

How to use sarcasm... correctly.

Sarcasm... Ah, the mysteries, the joys! The many things you can say, then say "I was being sarcastic."
This blog is to help you master the art of sarcasm, and realize when someone else is using it.

Top Phrases: 
1. "Lovely!" Basic definition: Lovable, delightful, beautiful, grand, swell.
2. "Wow!" Basic definition: Striking success, expressing pleasure and surprise.
3. "Really?" Basic definition: Real, in actuality, true, unquestionable.

I probably should have stated the rules first, but I didn't think about that till just now, and am to lazy to go back and fix it... :P and ya'll are smart, you can figure it out!
1. When using sarcasm, say exactly the opposite of what you mean. This is the most difficult part of sarcasm. But, it's also the most fun part!
2. When using sarcasm, only use it with people who know the rules of sarcasm. If you decide to use sarcasm places no-one knows what you're talking about, you will have to teach them the un-spoken rules of sarcasm.
3. When using sarcasm, be careful what you're saying out loud. Most sarcastic comments are meant to be kept inside, because they are not usually the nicest things to say.

Now that you have the Rules, and Phrases to use. You need to know when to use them. Obviously, you don't use sarcasm in tight, hefty, or important situations. PLEASE only use sarcasm when you are in a situation that you won't get in trouble for joking, teasing, or playing. 
Sarcasm is an amazing form of communication. One that I never use, as you can tell from my blog! But mastering this form of communication is a long tiresome path that only a few reach the end of total mastery. Please don't give up on this journey, the one you take when you read this blog and decide to do something about it! mastering this art is extremely difficult, and must be done with caution.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope it helped you understand sarcasm better! :)
Your writer: A J Please subscribe!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


"Slugs and snails, and puppy dog tails." I started my last blog with the poem about girls. So, I figured it was only fair to start this one with the boy poem.
Shall we begin?
I have always thought there was something special about little boys... When, and if I have children of my own, I hope to have little boys. :) They are really cute I must say... And some of the most cute things they do have to do with cars, and guns. You just have to learn how to teach them how to use the things they like to have correctly. Teach them not to shoot people, but animals to bring home to the girls in the kitchen. If you teach them to have proper gun safety, to respect the weapon and what it can do, they will use them correctly.
Boys will be boys. If you take the toy gun, they will make one, if you take the one they make they will use their finger, and I'd like to see you take that away. Boys are meant to be the man of the house someday, if you don't teach them from the beginning to be so, then they will become feminine, and that is something you don't want. Girls now a days are taught to want an emotional guy, with no manhood whatsoever. Emotions are not bad things, and it's not bad to show them. Just usually, boys are to be in more control than the girls. To the boys reading, opening up is not a bad thing, just I wouldn't go around flaunting your emotions to just anybody.
The thing is, that many boys have been dumbed down to the point that their masculinity is almost non-existent. I believe that our world needs to stop dumbing our boys down into little girls, and start teaching them how to be gentlemen, and little boys.
Since I am not a boy, I probably don't have as much to say on boys as I had on girls. The main point is, Stop feminising our little boys.
Thanks for reading this blog, I hope you enjoyed it! :) Thanks again, and please subscribe!!! :) A J  :) 

Thursday, June 21, 2012


So, to start off... I'm sure we have all heard the poem "Girls are made of sugar, and spice, and everything nice." I am going to take a stand against my own kind and say this is SO not true about most girls I know today, including myself. I would much rather go out, and catch a frog with the guys, than prance over posies and watch as the boys catch the frogs. Not saying that I don't every once in a while go out, get all dressed up and fancy... But, I (personaly) can go from makeup to dirt in 30 seconds flat. :)
But, this leads me to another situation. Are girls rejecting their feminity way to extremely? So many girls today go around as if getting dressed up is a sin or something. I'm not saying it's bad to wear pants, nor am I saying you need to wear a dress and makeup every day of your life. I am a strong believer of flaunting natrual beauty. Do you really need that makeup every morning? Please tell me who would care. Not just the girl at work whom you're always trying to make yourself look better than, I'm talking about the people who matter the most... Your husband, your children, your best friends, your boyfriend... people like that. I don't wear makeup around my boyfriend on purpose (believe it or not)! For some reason, I have always pictured being a girl who just looks normal then when she comes down the stairs for the first prom with her boyfriend, he can't stop staring at her, because he isn't used to seeing her that way. I will say, that I don't usually get all dressed up when I'm going to see my boyfriend, but, when I do get all dressed up, it's different and more exciting. And, honestly, I like it better that way.
In this paragraph, I'm going to get something out. Girls are snotty creatures. Period. End of story. I know some amazing women whom I strive to be like, who have all dampened their "snobbyness" you might say. I hold these women very highly, and think everyday "Would _________ have done/said that?" But, these women are not perfect. I'm sure there are times when they forget to say please and thank you. And times when they can't control their emotions any better than I can. But, they still strive, and that amazes me. I have problems with being a little bossy, and saying things that I probably don't mean. Because my mouth opens way before I think about what I'm about to say. Have you ever caught yourself in the middle of a sentence, right before you were about to say something nasty, then suddenly say "nevermind."? Whenever this happens to me, I think first about how awful it would have been if I had said this thing, then why the thought ever happened in the first place. Sometimes, the second thought is the one that scares me most. I am still a very snobby creature, and have a lot of work to do.
The point of this blog I think, is to tell you that girls are not all they are made out to be. We are not better than boys, or anything like that. We have work to do, in a lot of areas, some different than others. And I would like girls to stop acting like they are so much better than everyone else.
Thank you for reading! :) Please subscribe, and be awesome! Your faithful writter A J

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

God made you, you.

Some people don't like who they are. The sad thing is, that God made these people! He doesn't care weather they had a good childhood or not. Whatever the situation is, He still made them, and loves them enough to die for them. No matter what it is that you do, you were made for a reason. And many, many people don't see it that way. Unfortunantly, there are many people who see themself as worthless, or incapable of things that they would like to do.
Something you should know about me, is that I am very artistic. Things like that just come natrually to me. Music, drawing, arts and crafts, that's just my thing. Then there are people like my boyfriend, who are very logical, understanding, and need a plan for every little thing! Not that this is bad. Don't get me wrong, I love the way my boyfriends mind works. I swear, just because of the way he is, his brain has a little section for everything he does! One section for math, one for science, one for logic, so on and so forth. Whereas mine is just strewn all over the place. Everything I think about has some conotation to something else, usually a song, or a piece of art that I have seen lately.
Now that I have officially spilled the way my boyfriends mind works... The point here is, that Everyone is different! The best thing is, that we are able to find the best in other people to ballance out the weirdness of ourselves. If I didn't have my logical friends around, I would be a crazy mess!
The point here is, that no matter how unhappy with you being the way you are, you might be. God made you, you for a reason. He doesn't make mistakes, so thank God you are who you are.
Thank you for reading this short little blog. I hope you noticed that this was a short blog, with a powerful message. Thanks again for reading! Your faithfull writter A J :)
Thanks again! 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Past, Present, and Future... and important topic.

Before I get started on this blog, I would like to warn you, that if you believe in Evolution you will not enjoy reading this. But, please don't stop reading. This could be vital to your existance. I don't usually go spiritual on my blog, but I felt it necessary. I pray that if any of you who read this are not believers, you would come to understand the gift that is offered to you by God himself. And if you are a believer reading this blog today, please pray that God would use it for his glory. Thank you.

 One thing about Time is, we don't know how much is left. The Lord could come back any second, He might drop down while you are reading this blog! But, the other thing about time is, we do know how much we HAVE had. I am going to take a stand here, and many of you won't like it. The world is not, I repeat NOT millions, or billions of years old. Evolution is disproved in the simple statement that "There really is no true way to age dirt." And that is what they do. They spend their days aging dirt. They have not found any true example of the "missing link" If we have bones from everything else... Why is there a "missing link"? There sholudn't be a link that is missing. We have bones of things that are not even in existance anymore. I would like to share some verses with you: Genesis 1:21-25 "So God created the great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with wich the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to his kind, and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them and said "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the waters in the seas, and let the birds multiply on the earth." And there was evening and there was morning the 5th day. And God said "Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds-Livestock, and creeping things and beasts of the earth, accrding to their kinds." And it was so. And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the livestock according to their kinds, and everything that creeps on the ground according to it's kind. And God saw that it was good."
Now, I would like to take you through this passage. Obviously I take every word of Scripture to be true. Even the "and"'s, and "the"'s are there for a reason. The first part is clear to say the least. "God created the..." It doesn't say that "God made an explosion, and BOOM! Everything was in existance. God molded, and made every creature. I would also like you to notice that it says "according to their kinds." If you are a human. ALL of your relatives have been, always were, HUMAN. If you are a dog, ALL of your ancestors are DOG'S! Same goes for any other animal on the earth. Do you really want to believe that you have no more right to live than a monkey? If you came from a monkey, you should have no more rights than one. This is where I would like to share with you the glorious news: Genesis 1: 26-27 "Then God said "let us make man in our own image. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the livestock, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." And God made man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." WOW!! That is amazing... We are made in God's image!  How glorious is that? God loves us so much, that he made, and formed us to be like Him! Then, if that wasn't good enough, he gave us dominion over EVERYTHING!!! This is a reason to be good caretakers of what God has given you, because he has given you a lot. Esecially if you live in america. If you are reading this blog right now, and have access to internet at your home, you are pretty well off. Internet is not a necessity, many people go without it every day! And live to tell about it! (sorry, rabit trail... hopping right back...) We DO mean more than the average monkey! And not because we have "evolved more" But because God gave us that authority! So, while we sit here on our high and mighty thrones, imagining ways to explain how this all happened without God, because we are so awesome, I think He is up there laughing at our explanations.
I think we should start introducing ourselves using our geology lines... How far back do you think I would have to go till I hit Mr. P. The Monkey? 1,000 years? 10,000? 100,000? That's funny, because the earth is really only about 8-9,000 years old. 10,000 at the oldist. We don't have billions of years to work with. If you want to trust in a rigged aging machine, be my guest. I'm here to tell you that it really is rigged.
They found a dinosaur bone, that still had blood cells on it! Bet you they don't tell you THAT in your science books. They had to admit that it couldn't have been all that long ago when that animal died, and since they are telling every-one that Dinosaurs have been extinct since before people came a long, and since they say that we have been here for a REALLY long time, their evaluations were not matching up.
We are made in God's image, on the 6th day of the worlds existance. Adam sinned and messed up the heaven that God had in store for us, in the garden of Eden.
I hope you know that I am saying all of this in Love, and Mercy. I am not saying that I don't love you, or that God doesn't love you because of what you believe. I'm saying (rather bluntly) that you are incorrect. Please, pick up a Bible, and see what it has to say. Don't believe it because I say it's true. Rather, find for yourelf that it is true. I promise you that, you will find SO much evidence in favor, that it is hard to reject this truth. If you are interested, you might look up Answers in Genesis. They have a lot of great material on this subject!
But, either way. If you were interested or not, I'm happy you got to the bottom :) Thanks for reading this intimidating, super long, blunt, blog. I hope that even if you were offended you wont stop reading this blog. Thanks again for reading! Your faithful writer AJ 
Lot's of love! Please subscribe! :) 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Two days of rain, to sunshine!

Happy Memorial day to all! It has been two days of rain. Many clouds have filled the sky. I woke this morning to bright sunshine! What a great blessing! We even got ice cream! My sister has been happy as ever, and even more notty than that! All in all she is a pretty good kid though, I must say. Anyway, life is going pretty well, and I haven't updated the blog lately. So, I figured I should.
Thanks for reading this very short blog! Please subscribe... :) your writer A J 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Allergy Season... AGAIN!!!

Ok... I love the weather this time of year, I really do... And I love God because He made this weather for us all to enjoy... But can't we have just one year without whatever it is in the air this time of year that makes my nose itch, and my head feel like it's exploding?
What is this about allergies anyway? Why do we insist as people to be alergic to things? Personaly I think that this is part of what happened after the Fall, I don't think there were ANY allergies in the Garden of Eden. Why would God do that to his perfect creation, until AFTER we became sinners? For some reason, runny noses, and stuffy nasal passages are NOT very pleasent, or happy things... If you know of a person who just shouts for joy when he/she has a runny nose, please let me know who this amazing person is. Then I can talk to him/her, and find out why on earth they ENJOY something this awful.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that allergies are the worst thing that could ever happen to a person. Nor am I saying that I am going to curl up in a corner and die because I have allergies. But, I will say that I am not happy about allergies... And I don't think I ever will be. But, I shouldn't compain as much I guess. The runny nose is a form of protection against the germs in the air, and the explosive head is a result of the runny nose. So, I guess God is still looking out for me, even when I'm sick! :)
Thanks for taking time to read this short blog. I hope you enjoyed it, and spend a lot of time laughing at me complaining about allergies! :P
Please subscribe! I would greatly appreciate it! Your faithful writter A J Have a great day! 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

When God writes a love story.

"True love waits." Ok, it's a cute idea and everything... But, does that guy really exist? It's so "fairytale" Isn't it? It could never happen to me! Could it?
Yes. It can! 
You're thinking "Wow, wow... Slow down. You're really giving a PURITY speech, on your blog?!?!? You can't be serious!" 
And, let me tell you now. This is not a purity speech. This is not a "If you have dated you're a sinner, and should never love again." speech. In fact... This isn't a speech at all. It's a blog. And, in all reality, I can talk as long as I want, about whatever I want, and you will read it because you think I'm funny, or entertaining. Or you're just bored and wasting time. That's fine too. DON'T GO AWAY!!! This is NOT a purity speech. This is me telling you that God has a great plan in your life, if you would just let him do it. You would be so happy. 
I am a Christian, I believe that God is in control of everything that happens. And nothing happens without him knowing it. You may think that you are doing what God has planed because He hasn't stopped you yet. Have you prayed about whatever is going on in your life right now? Or, are you just doing it because it "feels" right. Let me tell you about the most exciting thing that has happened to me in my life. 
So, my mom teaches dance lessons. There is a family, and they have been participating for a few years now. Every once in a while we would have a recital or something exciting. And of course, I would be there... Because my mom teaches the class. And every time, there would be this guy... I didn't know his name for the first year. Because, he never told me his name when he first met me. (I know now he was just nervous...) Time, after time. He would come back. I soon found out that his name was Ben, and we knew eachother existed. But nothing past acquantances. Recently, I had to find a card partner because my family LOVES to play cards... We have known eachother for 3 months, and 10 days. "But who's counting... ;)" Today, he made the big step. And asked my dad if he could court me. 
(Now, I know what you're thinking by "courting". But, really... it's no different from dating except that we have more boundaries, and our parents are very involved.)
My dad said "Yes." And now we are an official couple! Don't get me wrong. I have liked other guys. Ben is NOT the only guy I have ever had feelings for. It is not reasonable to believe that you will only like this one guy. God uses the feelings that you have to help you realize what it is He really has in store for you. And believe me when I say. You think that you can do pretty well on your own... You ain't seen nothin' yet! If you put your life into God's capable hands. He  will fulfill your life in every way that you need. It WILL be a fairytale. Or it will seem like one to you. I am happier than I have ever been. 
And it's not going to be perfect. We are both human, and make mistakes. But, if God is in control, He will help us goet throught them. And, we will have a beautiful relationship! 
Thank  you mom, for always telling me to wait. Thank you dad, for protecting me while I was waiting. Thank you God, for putting Ben in my life. And (last but not least) Thank you Ben, for even considering me. I hope I can match up to your standards. 
Thank you for reading this blog... I hope that you are encouraged as a single person, to wait for God to take control. And I hope you are encouraged as a non-single person, to thank God for what he has given you. 
Thanks for reading! Your faithful writer, A J. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Too Late?

So, recently I have conducted my own little experiment... Those of you who know me are thinking that I blew something up in science, or decided to see how long I could go without sleep... Now, knowing that I am not a huge fan of science, unless it's studying how amazing our Lord is, by creating all these fasinating things in nature, probably know that I don't cunduct many "science experiments" on my own. So, by deduction you can probably know that I decided to see how long I could go without sleep. I have found that talking to some-one important to you, eating, reading, listening to music, and some other things, have a tendancy to keep you awake. So, being the crazy person I am, I like to see how far I can streatch the line.
 Now, with that back story, I am ready to tell you what I am wanting to talk about.
 Picture, 11 oclock tuesday night, and no rush to go to bed because your allergies are acting up. One of your best friends has already contacted you that night, saying they would be on after they got a few other things done. You get on the messenger that you always talk on, and try your best to wait patiently for their green symbol to pop up on your  screen, saying they are on. You wait for about 20min, get tired, and decide to play a game on your tablet until they pop up. You play for about 10min, and are bored with that idea, so you go back to the page, and wait some more. another 5min goes by, and to your relief, their green dot pops up, and sudenly you recieve a new message "Sorry it took so long..." Your heart leaps for joy, and you reply! But then, they have to go again... but will be back sooner than they were before, you reluctantly agree, and wait longer... They come back again, and you are more excited... You decide that you want to voice chat instead of type, that voice chat suddenly turns into a video chat, and you two are very happy to see eachother. The time flies by, and suddenly,it is 3:15 am and neither of you are tired, a bit. You decide to keep talking, and 3:15, turns into 4:15, and then you're getting tired. "How late do you want to stay up?" your friend asks "I just figure I won't go to bed." You reply, and so you talk until 6 when you are supposed to get up in the morning!
 Obviously, you are tired. Think about it, you have just stayed up for 24 hours straight! Congragulations, You have accomplished something than the average person can do! Now, the real trick, is to see how long you can stay up, without it effecting anything, not your mood, not your appetite, not ANYTHING. Considering that the longest I have ever stayed up without anything changing, is about 40 hours, I have this awful desire to break my record! I am a very competitve person (as some of you may know) and when I put my mind to something I will do it, eventually. I have ABSOLUTELY NO desire to go the whole 48 hours right now. I have just stayed up 24, and that's enough for me. I think I will work up to it eventually :P And, I will for sure sleep well tonight.
 I did have a great time though. Talking to your best friend, is something that everyone loves to do, and being able to do so all the time... makes you feel really happy inside.
This poses my question: When is too late? does it come at 8:30 for some, and 10:30 for otherrs? What is this about so called "night owls"? And WHY IN THE WORLD do they like to stay up so early?!?!?!? ( Yes, I meant to put early, they don't  stay up "late" as in, 1ish am, they stay up till 4 am on a REGULAR BASIS, and still wake up in time to do stuff in the day!) I like to think that I am one of these so called "night owls" but, what makes you such a thing? I have no resemblance to an owl, and I don't sleep all day. I would refer to be called "some-one who can't sleep" Because, I can't. Sleep is over rated, and I can sleep when I'm dead.
So, anyway, that is my most recent sleep experience, or lack there of, and I hope you enjoyed it! *Please use cation if you intend on trying this at home, I would not suggest doing anything to important the next day, until you get some sleep. For the normal human, such things are not attainable. But, seeing as, I am ninja like that... I have skills :P*
 Thank you for reading this small blog! I enjoyed writting it! Have a great day and PLEASE SUBSCRIBE. To subscribe press the big "Join This Sight Now" button on the right of this page, and follow the instructions. Thank you again! Your faithful wrighter, A J 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Oh... the things childern say...

Today, I went to the "Golden Spike Memorial" to watch the re-enactment they were putting on. I went with some friends, and had a blast! :) These friends have a lot of children... I think there were at least 8 of us kids all together. Not to mention the 3 adults who were with us. We had a great time! On the way funny things had already been said, and we were ever so entertained.
On the way back to the car one of the little girls was giving us all animal names... And sudenly she blurted out " You know... Darth Vador... is secretly a CHIKEN!" I couldn't help but laugh! I want to know how these kids get this stuff! Has anyone seen Kid History? It's a youtube video series... These little children are telling stories and adults act them out. It's a required taste... But, some of the things that these kids say, is just hilarious. Seriously, how and why are kids so funny? It's an amazing thing that God has done giving us children for comical relief. Many, many times have children said funny things. I have yet to find out why... But, I think that it's a great thing that children say all this crazy stuff! It's entertaining, and exciting.
I hope that you enjoyed this little blog... You're faithful writer A J Please subscribe! :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Life: Busy, and Wonderous

First off, I would like to say, that I love my life. Sadly, not many people say this anymore. A lot of people, are upset, and want to get their life over with instead of enjoying how much fun it really is! Think about this: Many, many people don't have a form of transportation. Do you have a vehicle for daily use? You are better off than A lot of people. Do you have a job, to pay the bills, and put food on the table? You are better off than a lot of people. Do you wake up each day, and breathe in relatively clean air? You are lucky to be waking up! Who knows when you're going to just not wake up one day? Do you get to have some sort of education? Did you know that there are more people in the world who cannot read this blog  than those who can? You being able to read what I have to say, puts you ahead academically of a major part of the population. So, reading that, is your life still that horible?   If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you can count yourself lucky, and should be happy whith what you have. This doesn't mean that you should walk down the street feeling sorry for people who aren't as well off as you, or that you should think that you are so much better than any-one else. We are all siners, and have fallen short of the Glory of God. No-one has more of a "right" to live, or be saved, than the next person. If you start feeling better than another person, then you need to change your worldview.
I have had a wonderfull start of spring! Got to know new people, had a blast with people I already knew, and I have gotten myself into a friendship that I really enjoy, and I am very pleased with the way most of the situations in my life are right now. All in all, I am a pretty happy person! Mainly what I wanted to say here was, Life is a busy and wonderous thing! What really sadens me, are the people who don't see it that way. I hope everyone who reads this blog is happily busy! And I wish you all a great summer! I hope you make lots of plans, to start college, finish school, make a bucket list, or anything that you want to do! Whatever it is, do it! Have fun! As long as it is not immoral, unethical, or anit-Christ, Be busy, and have a wonderous life. Don't feel sad for yourself, instead look at all the things you have to be glad with! Count your blessings! You have this life, now live it.
Thank you for reading this blog! Please subscribe!!! :D Your faithful writer A J Thanks again, and have a great summer!  

Monday, April 23, 2012


I must indulge in my favorite treat once in a while... Frozen Starbucks Frappe's. Now, I know it sounds weird... but it's not any weirder than Oreo's in Peanutbutter. Well... maybe not quite as weird as that, but Oreo's in Peanutbutter is pretty good too! But, that's not the point of this blog. The point of this Blog is to teach you how to eat a Frappe at Starbucks.
1) Get the biggest size! I know that it is a little expensive... but just don't go there to often, and you will feel better about it. If you can't get the biggest size, it's not that big of a deal, but it's not the right way. 
2) Eat/Drink half. DO NOT under ANY circumstance, eat less or more than half. This will ruin the awesomeness of the drink. Not sure why, but it will. 
3) Take it home, and Freeze it. 
4) The next night, take it out and indulge!
It's amazing, and addicting. Sadly, I'm not able to do this quite as often as I would like. But every time, I am able to get one. This is the best way to eat/drink it.
Thank you for reading. Your hyper, and faithful writer. A J

Monday, April 16, 2012

An update on "time"

Last time I "blogged" I wrote this semi-interesting piece on time. I don't know who read that, or even if ya'll liked it because *cough* no-one commented, or subscribed! *cough* Anyway... Back to the subject. Time... let's see, I went over how creepy it is to think of the "present" as the "present". (If you don't know what I am talking about, please, go back, read, and catch up!) I have considered this more, and it is still freaky. Here in the comfort of my home, I have a clock. That clock goes, "tick, tock, tick, tock" until it's battery dies. It is incapable of moving itself from it's situation, can't change itself, is literally dead! We, are just like that clock. Give me some time to explain myself here, I am not saying that you are dead (except for if you are "dead in your sin" and need to be revived by the holy spirit), I am not saying that you can't move, and I'm not saying that you can't change. But in a sense, I am saying that you can't change. We cannot go back in time, or forward in time for that matter. Not only is it a ridiculous assumption, but would you really want to? Don't just jump to conclusions here, Really think about this for a moment please. Say, you did something bad, that you shouldn't have done. And I'm sure we can all picture ourselves doing that un-known act that no-one knows you did but yourself, that you regret every time you think about it. Maybe you have pushed this so far out of your head, that you don't really remember anymore. If that is you, congratulations, you have found your "happy place!", just imagine yourself having done something wrong. It would be nice to go back, and just not do that, wouldn't it? If you said "yes" you haven't thought this out enough. But, I won't make you re-think it for a while yet. Say, you are in your local candy store, there are these BIG TUBS of candy and you get to scoop you're desired candy into the plastic baggy of your choice. You found a tub of candy that you thought looked really good, but had never seen it before, so decided to try a piece. But, it was so good, that you tried another, and another, and another, till the tub looked half full. Obviously this is hypothetical, and if this is your "bad thing" that you shouldn't have done, I am not psych, and I am so sorry for putting it on the internet for the world to see, if you have a problem email me, if you put up a good enough argument, I just might change it ;) Now, think what would happen if you could go back to the candy store, knowing that you regret your actions, and not eat the candy. Not a bad idea. Yes? NO! If you hadn't made that mistake at the candy store, you would have made it somewhere else. We are people, people usually learn from their mistakes. If you hadn't "stolen" from the candy store, you might have gotten up one day and decided that it was a good day to rob a bank, or something more extreme/severe than a candy store. Going back in time, even for something as small as eating candy before you payed for it, could alter your entire being. You would not be the person you are today without your past. Your past is a big part of who you are. Everyones past is filled with good things, and bad things. Without either one of these qualities, you would be so much different than you are today. I don't care who you are, your past has a lot to do with who you are today. So, I hope I have put a new light on those weird si-fi movies about going back, and altering the past to make things better. Because, I don't think it would make things better to go back and say, kill Hitler before he had the chance to start up those camps. Because if Hitler didn't do it, someone else would. Which is also why it's important not to forget our history. If we forget what we have done in the past, and how we felt, it is a very strong probability that we will repeat the same stupid mistakes that we have made before. Just like a song, that repeats itself over and over till you are screaming "WE GET THE POINT!". That is what our history will start to look like if we decide to change/forget the past.
I hope you enjoyed this blog, if there is more you would like me to add, or something you think I should write about, please, leave a comment, or email me. And SUBSCRIBE!!!! (not that I'm pushy or anything :D ) Thank you for reading, and dedicating to me some of the time in your day. I definitely appreciate it. Your faithful writer A J 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Welcome to Spring! :)

Spring: Pretty Flowers, Happy Animals... all kinds of things that make girls like me happy! Playing guitar outside time has come! Oh, how I long for this time year round! It's an amazing feeling, knowing that everyone in hearing range can hear you... Sometimes scary, but other times you are like "I HOPE someone heard that!!!" This time of year, you just long for a tree to climb, and a great book to sit up there and read! Camp outs in your back yard are great fun too! Hiking, bike riding, horse back riding, running, all these fun things you can do! Some you can do year round, but others are just way better in spring! Weren't the "April Showers" worth it? Look around you. Gorgeous things are popping up everywhere! God has blessed us with vision to see His wonderfull creation. And I think this time of year our eyes should be peeled more than usuall for something new and exciting that wasn't there, or we didn't notice last year.
Now that excitement has passed I would like to take this time to talk about something that has been on my mind for the last few days. "Everyone ready?.... Drum roll please!!..." "Time." Now, you may be thinking "Time? Really? Time? Seriously... how complex is that? 60sec = 1min, 60min = 1 hour, How hard is it?" I know... I know, it's pretty ridiculous. But it is kind of weird if you think about it. Why can't we just stay in one time period for ever? Have you ever felt that way? You just wanted to repeat something over, and over, and over again? And what is this about "Present"? It is this slow line that moves along on the scale of time. Can't go forward or back after you pass it. You are constricted to this skinny line called "Present". And there are weird sayings... like "This is now, it's a gift that's why it's called the 'Present'." That is so creepy... Seriously gives me the willies. If it's the "Present" as in "Gift form" That is the scariest thing alive! Some things aren't happy. Is it just me or aren't "Gifts" supposed to be happy? What happens if you are dying this slow, and painfull death. Do you want someone to come up and say "It's a GIFT! That's why it's called the PRESENT!" No, of course not! Who would? That is just one of my pet peeves... I mean yes, sometimes it feels pretty good, and you never want to leave this "Present". But we don't get to decide when we leave, or even if we get here. Do you see how complex this is now? This is just one of the main questions. Maybe I will update this  blog at a later date... or continue it on a different one. But for now, I hope you have enjoyed the happiness on Spring, and the questions on Time. Thanks for reading! Please subscribe! Your faithfull writter- A J

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Good music

Good music. Lets see... How can I describe this? The dictionary defines music this way: The science or art of ordering tones in harmonic sucession. But I think good music is something else all together. Finding the sound that you like, I think, is a life long journey. I go through what seems like phases. One day I feel like hip hop music, the next day I want country music, then another day I want hard rock. It all depends on what you want to hear, or what tones you like. I have a friend who, I swear, only buys music if it is in the key of G. Personaly I like a little variety, a little C, a little D... But to each his own. The definition of good is defined: Of a favorable character, or tendancy. So, if you put both of those together to get the dictionary's definition of "good music" it would be: A favorable ordering of tones in harmonic sucession. So, by dictionary terms good music is Bach, or Beethoven. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against either of those guys, I like a lot of their stuff. But, I couldn't listen to it all day. I'm sure there are people out there who can listen to that. I'm not one of them, to each his own, I wont judge you. I would be more than happy to sit down and listen to Bach with you. I just probably wont do so of my own accord. I'm going through a small obsession with a song called Rumor Mill by We are the In Crowd. A little hard, but great fun to listen to. I found it randomly for free on Amazon! So, I am sending ya'll out on a mission! find music that you can't live without, or music that you can't seem to go a day without listening to, and post the name of the track, and the artist as a comment. You can add a link too. I am interested in what you are listening to, so Please! Do tell! :) 
Thank you for reading this short blog on music. Your faithfull writer A J I hope to hear/ read your comments soon!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Things people say, that irritate me.

"When all else fails..." Am I the only person whom this irritates? I am working on my work and ask for help my mom says "When all else fails, ask your mom." First of all: I didn't try everything! I tried the book, but I didn't try the internet, that is a great source of information. Maybe not all reliable information. But information none the less. Do you think William Edward Hickson had a "When all else fails..." moment? No, he "tried, tried, and tried again" You all know that speech. "If at first you don't succeed..." Now, granted I might have been feeling *cough* lazy, to say the least. And it was a lot easier to ask for help. That doesn't mean I was right, and that isn't what I am saying at all! I'm just saying "All else" didn't fail! I could have found the answer to my question if I wanted to.
"Drive Carefull!..." Have you ever heard that? I mean, yes... There are really weird people out there who you really do have to tell to drive carefull... But me? Really? You know, one of these times I would like to turn around and tell the person: "You mean, you don't drive with your eyes closed? That's the safest way I have found!" I wonder how many looks I would get! People just don't think teenagers have brains anymore. Yes, we plan on driving carefull! Unless we are going to go pick up our friends, please don't tell us to drive carefull. We don't truely need the reminder if we are just going to the grocery store and back. Thank you for being over protective... now, please stop. 
"Can I ask you a question?" My new found reply is, "Well... you already did, so I don't have much choice now do I?" Seriously, just ask the question! If you aren't in a formal setting where you have to ask the person to hear you speak, Please... don't ask me if you want to ask a question. I mean, I love you people... but it just makes no sense. 
"Has the bus come yet?" Standing at the bus stop someone asks "Has the bus come yet?" Well, lets use some common knowlege here for a second. If the bus has been here... would I be here? I think not. You might be looking for a different bus, and all of that. If so, please specify! Next time try "Has bus____ come by yet?" "I will be more than happy to answer you! But lets use some of the knowlege God gave us shall we?
"My eye's aren't what they used to be." This isn't quite as irritating as it is funny... "Do I dare ask what they used to be?" Ears?, Noses?, Arms?!? Really? "My eyes don't see as well as they used to" Doesn't that sound much better? And there are no second meanings! But, still it is pretty funny.
"Wait... what happened?" If you were trying to evesdrop... Why were you not doing a very good job? Goodness, my dog listens better than you, and that's saying something! Seeing as she sleeps all the time. If you want to be in the conversation, it is really better just to come up and start nodding when one person says something, and shaking your head at the other. It also can be very exciting to see reactions! :D
That's all for this one, but I might come edit it! :P Hopefully you all know that I am saying most of this sarcastically. Thanks for reading! Your faithfull writer AJ How bout you all follow my blog. Yes? I guarantee it's fun to read!  And if I typo, or say something that you don't agree with please comment and let me know! :) Thanks, See you soon! 

Friday, March 23, 2012

First Blog.

Hello reader: This is me, I am a junior in highschool, very sarcastic, love to read, love to hear/play any type of music I can find that is worth while, and I am homeschooled. Now, I know what you are thinking "this is by a 'normal' teenager... homeschooling isn't normal!" I will give you that it is not the norm. But, I will also give you that it is just plain amazing! Many people ask me all the time: What it is like to be "homeschooled"? Do you have a social life? How many times do you go to church? Is it true that your mom is the teacher, and your dad is the principle? Do you actually do school? This will be my first blog. And all these questions about "homeschooling" are what I will attend to today. First question: What is it like to be "homeschooled"? Since I have already started out saying that homeschooling is awesome, I will say that I really enjoy all the extra curricular activities, and extra time that we enjoy by being homeschooled. But sometimes it comes around to nip us in the butt! Sometimes we get behind because life takes a turn that we didn't expect. But on the other hand, you can also get ahead! Something that you aren't allowed to do in public school, if you are having an easy time with school you get put in the smart class and get sent home with way to much homework, while if you are having to hard of a time you get put in the dumb class. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against public school. If you aren't able to teach your kids, I do think they should go to school to get some kind of education. Education is a gift from God, and should be treasured. Second question: Do you have a social life? Yes. Blunt, full out YES! I have more friends than your average highschooler. "Normal" teenagers spend all their time in a class room, filled with people their own age, every day all day, and the people never change. On the other hand, I (and other homeschoolers) have to go out and track down relationships with other people. And the only people that we see every day is our family. And against common thought, our siblings are not our best friends! I would know that better than anyone. Yes, you should be friends with your siblings, but you definately need friendships outside home. My only sibling is going to be three in November, she is not my best friend. We get along, but she isn't my best friend! Third question: How many times do you go to church? I go to church a lot more than a normal person, so I am not the best person to ask this question, but I will give my honest answer. I have youth group on Monday nights, Dance lessons (which we hold at our church) on Tuesday nights, Awana club on Wednesday nights, I don't go to church Thursday- Saturday unless there is a special occasion, and of course on Sundays, I attend Roy Bible Church, where the amazing Pastor Kenny teaches us God's word! (Now that I'm done bragging on my pastor :P ) Fourth Question: Is it true that your mom is the teacher and your dad is the principal? Yes, Dad is the principal, yes mom is the teacher. I actually do most of my studying on my own now that I am in highschool, but my sister who is learning to read is very much all in my moms control! Fifth question: Do you actually do school? May I just say that I absolutely despise this question. What do you think we do all day? Sit around and eat pom poms? How do you think we learn anything? We have to know how to read and at least know easy math for a job at McDonalds. If you were going to teach your children everything they need to know in the future do you really think that you would only teach the enough to get a job at McDonalds? No, I think not. You want what is best for your children and so do the parents who homeschool! Now, I don't think that being homeschooled is such a big deal anymore. But, I still get a lot of questions so, I would like to just answer the more common ones in one spot. Thank you all for reading! I hope to see you again next time I post!- Your faithful writer, AJ :) See you soon.