Monday, March 26, 2012

Things people say, that irritate me.

"When all else fails..." Am I the only person whom this irritates? I am working on my work and ask for help my mom says "When all else fails, ask your mom." First of all: I didn't try everything! I tried the book, but I didn't try the internet, that is a great source of information. Maybe not all reliable information. But information none the less. Do you think William Edward Hickson had a "When all else fails..." moment? No, he "tried, tried, and tried again" You all know that speech. "If at first you don't succeed..." Now, granted I might have been feeling *cough* lazy, to say the least. And it was a lot easier to ask for help. That doesn't mean I was right, and that isn't what I am saying at all! I'm just saying "All else" didn't fail! I could have found the answer to my question if I wanted to.
"Drive Carefull!..." Have you ever heard that? I mean, yes... There are really weird people out there who you really do have to tell to drive carefull... But me? Really? You know, one of these times I would like to turn around and tell the person: "You mean, you don't drive with your eyes closed? That's the safest way I have found!" I wonder how many looks I would get! People just don't think teenagers have brains anymore. Yes, we plan on driving carefull! Unless we are going to go pick up our friends, please don't tell us to drive carefull. We don't truely need the reminder if we are just going to the grocery store and back. Thank you for being over protective... now, please stop. 
"Can I ask you a question?" My new found reply is, "Well... you already did, so I don't have much choice now do I?" Seriously, just ask the question! If you aren't in a formal setting where you have to ask the person to hear you speak, Please... don't ask me if you want to ask a question. I mean, I love you people... but it just makes no sense. 
"Has the bus come yet?" Standing at the bus stop someone asks "Has the bus come yet?" Well, lets use some common knowlege here for a second. If the bus has been here... would I be here? I think not. You might be looking for a different bus, and all of that. If so, please specify! Next time try "Has bus____ come by yet?" "I will be more than happy to answer you! But lets use some of the knowlege God gave us shall we?
"My eye's aren't what they used to be." This isn't quite as irritating as it is funny... "Do I dare ask what they used to be?" Ears?, Noses?, Arms?!? Really? "My eyes don't see as well as they used to" Doesn't that sound much better? And there are no second meanings! But, still it is pretty funny.
"Wait... what happened?" If you were trying to evesdrop... Why were you not doing a very good job? Goodness, my dog listens better than you, and that's saying something! Seeing as she sleeps all the time. If you want to be in the conversation, it is really better just to come up and start nodding when one person says something, and shaking your head at the other. It also can be very exciting to see reactions! :D
That's all for this one, but I might come edit it! :P Hopefully you all know that I am saying most of this sarcastically. Thanks for reading! Your faithfull writer AJ How bout you all follow my blog. Yes? I guarantee it's fun to read!  And if I typo, or say something that you don't agree with please comment and let me know! :) Thanks, See you soon! 


  1. Wow Ayballin! You're even more sarcastic than I thought! lol I absolutely love the fact that you're getting into writing (not just songs). I find writing very freeing. I love your blog so far and I can't wait to read more!! :)

    1. Thank you Michaela! :) I'm glad you like it! I really like writing in general so I just figured "start a blog!" :)
