Saturday, September 29, 2012

Since when?!?!?!?

Ok.... I think the main thing I want to talk about is: Why do people blame my parents for things that I do wrong? "Your momma taught you better than that." is one of the phrases I hate the most. Since when are my mistakes my parents fault? I can understand the thought process, but really? I make my own choices, please don't judge my parents or any other kids parents for their bad behavior.
Another thing... Please, do not tell other people how to discipline thier children. It is truely not your business if you see a parent spanking their child, or disciplining in any way. Not that I agree that you should strive to publicly display you correcting your child, but if it needs to be done, it needs to be done. Don't judge a parent because it was suddenly necessary to discipline their child while you could see.
Thirdly and lastly: Just because you see a teenager with a todler doesnt mean it is theirs. I have a two year old sister... And I am a senior in highschool. I can't count how many times somebody has asked me "who's the father?" or said things like "Can't you control your baby?" or "She is cute... are you married?" just random strangers! first off, it's not your business, second off why are you suddenly jumping to that conclusion? Do I honestly look like that kind of girl to you? I mean really? Let's think logically. I could understand you thinking that if I wore clothes that don't cover everything they are supposed to, or can be labeled "clothes" at all. But, I don't. So please people... Let's not think every teenager is (for lack of better terms) a slut, because we aren't.
This is my list of "Since when's?!?!?!?" I will probably add to this... but I think this is good for now.
Thanks for reading! I know I haven't updated at all lately... but hey, that's life. :P
Your faithful writer A J Pleas subscribe!!! :)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

What's expected of a "normal" teenager?

I went through my entire past with people telling me that I would grow up to be really pretty, and have lots of boyfriends, and be married at age 18. As a girl, this is the norm. Well, seeing as 18 is only a short year away from me, I really can't picture myself getting married right now, and at this point in my life. Although I have no doubt that when I do get married I will be ready, it's not happening tomorrow. As a girl it is normal for people to expect you to have a boyfriend, and be dating around from 16-21. Just because this is "normal" doesn't make it right. If you want my advice on relationships just read the blog titled "When God writes a love story" it was uploaded on May 20th. But this isn't the point of this blog.
This blog is to let you know that things are expected of you that shouldn't necessarily be expected. Such as knowing what you want to do with your life when you are an adult, having a boy/girl friend, knowing what college you want to go to. etc. Not everyone knows all this stuff about themselves at age 14. And even if you have a plan at 14 it will most likely change in the future. Having an idea of what you want to do is great! But unless you're a planner like me, don't be to worried about the details. If you take me for example I have had the "details" for my wedding planned out since I was what... 11? Now, things have changed (obviously) but most of it is the same. I won't bore you with my details seeing as if you came to my wedding you wouldn't be suprised, not to mention you probably don't want to know. Anyway... I just turned 17, there is no reason that I should have my whole life planned out, even though I do. A normal teenager doesn't know! There is so much going on in our silly little lives that we have no room for planning. So please, we know it's a good thing to think about... But not everyone knows. My best friend for example has a plan... ish... type situation. She doesn't know exactly what will happen, she just wants to take things as they come, and that's perfectly fine. Not everyone has to have a plan. So you don't have to ask us what the plan is...
Lets face it. Teenagers have a bad rep. So many of us have given into their hormones in horrid ways, but not all of us have... We are unfortunately treated like we are rude, inappropriate, bad mouthing, shove offs. When really most of us aren't. Yes there are some who have no respect for elders, but it's more rare than it is common. If it looks like it's common it's because the teenagers feel like that's what is expected, so they might as well have fun doing it. This is just wrong... Honestly needs to be changed.
I think that's all for now... Thanks for reading! :)
Your faithful writer A J
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