Monday, May 6, 2013

The apologies due.

So, I heard by an unknown source that some people were offended by my most recent post. "Yes... I love him." I want to make the nessesary apologies to anyone reading to whom was offended.
No, I don't think my boyfriends thought process is stupid. Sometimes when we argue, I think I am right, and he is wrong. And so in my head his thought process on that subject, at that point in time, by oposing mine is "stupid". But, that doesn't mean I don't think it's worth taking into consideration what he has to say. Ben is a very smart, intellegent man. No, his thought process is not stupid. It just seems that way to me when I think he is wrong.
I was wrong in saying it was "stupid". And I apologize.
To whom it may concern, I'm sorry. I will try my hardest to censor my words better in the future.

Thank you for reading.
Your faithful writer AJ