Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Take a step back.

Ok, so I was doing some work on the blog. Looking through some old posts, reading comments... All that fun stuff. :) But anyway, I came across my post a LONG time ago called When God writes a Love Story. I remember being so convinced that that boy and I would be together. I remember trying with every fiber in my body to make a difference in his life, and get him to love me as much as I loved him. But the truth is, that he just didn't. And that's ok. I'm not going to tell you that I hate his guts. I'm not going to say that he "Played me". I'm not going to tell you that it was a horrible experience. And I'm not going to say that I didn't deserve it. Was there a time that I did feel this way? Yes. Absolutely. I am a girl. I am human. I believe that everything happens for a reason. So, when he broke up with me, I was horrified. Yes. I was extremely distraught. I cried oh so very hard for days. It took me over a year to get to the place I'm in now. I wrote more songs than I care to admit about how I wish I could get him back, how horrible of a guy he was, how upset I was, how in love I was, and anything else I was feeling. I felt let down, I felt pushed to the side, and I hated that. I knew that he was what I wanted, but he didn't want me. And do you know what? I've had a revolution. Hold on... This is going to take a bit of settling. Are you sitting down? Are you ready to hear this? Are you sure? ... REALLY sure??? Ok...

Push play on This ^ before looking at the pics. :)

I spent a LOT of time trying to fit these^ pictures to the words you're hearing... But I'm not sure if it worked or not. :) 

So...^ There's the bridge picture. :) 

Anyway, I realized that it's ok. :) I can't complain about what happened. Was it a really bad experience? Yes. And it crushed me. But after every rain storm there is a... C'mon, you know this...

That's right... A rainbow. :) And rainbows are great! Let me tell you... :) They symbolize so much. They take a broken looking, sad thing. And turn it into something amazingly beautiful. :)

I've had my own personal experience with "rainbows". You're thinking... C'mon Ayballin... We all have seen rainbows, it's not that exciting. :) I mean... Their pretty, but you see them, and then you just kinda know there's a rainbow there.
And, yes. That is true, but I'm talking a metaphorical rainbow.

 Sometimes I guess you just realize that your life is awesome. You're life even though it's not easy all the time, it's alright. And it's awesome. :) Everything falls into place, everything will turn into what it is supposed to, and I can't complain. :) I'm actually very happy. I look back today and think wow, I am so much better off. I don't need anyone to make me happy. I have music, I have a career, I have a life. And I am happy. When the right guy comes, he comes. But for now... I'm just fine. And life is good. :)

Sometimes you have to take a step back from everything and think to yourself "Life is good."
Life is amazing
Life is a Journey
And, we all look for our rainbows.

Anyway, Good luck. Hang in there. Find your rainbow. Weather that is your true calling in life, your true love, or a church who will accept you the way you are. I wish you well, and that you find your rainbow. :)

Your faithful writer A J.
I love you all, Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. (I know it's long...) 
So long! Fairwell!And everything else they sing. :)

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