Friday, February 1, 2013

Wow... I'm tired!

Snow, snow, snow... That's all that I can see when I look out my door for the last week!
It's been snowing, then stopping, the snowing... Just off and on. It's crazy... But, it's actually really pretty.
I don't know why I started out saying that... But, it's true, it has been snowing like crazy and it is really pretty. Anyway, I didn't update at all last month, basically because I have been extremely busy, and so tired I can barely keep my eyes open.
Which leads me to my topic. Teenagers get tired! There are so many people who think that teenagers should be able to just bounce back from staying up all night if they get one hour of sleep because we are "young"...? Really? Did you know that a teenagers brain is growing at the same pace that a baby's is? And an adults brain has slowed down to the pace where everything is normal? That is why highschool and college is so difficult. Because our brains are able to learn all of this stuff, but it is also trying to grow and process more things than it ever has before. Which is also an acceptable reason for teenagers to be tired. I think high school should offer napping hour just like preschool. Of course I'm kidding, but it would be really nice.
That's just another reason to homeschool your kids, because every one learns better well rested, if you let your kids sleep as much as they need to, learning will not be a napping hour instead of information hour.
Basically, teenagers can be tired... and even if you think they shouldn't be... they are. we have extremely fast paced hearts, and brains, and lives. In order for all that to be ok, we need sleep. Which we don't get a lot of anyway because we like to stay up late with friends. So, some of it is our fault.. But don't tell us we aren't tired if we say we are, because you don't know that. You aren't us.
Thanks for reading!
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Your faithful writter...
Also very tired writter...

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