Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Too Late?

So, recently I have conducted my own little experiment... Those of you who know me are thinking that I blew something up in science, or decided to see how long I could go without sleep... Now, knowing that I am not a huge fan of science, unless it's studying how amazing our Lord is, by creating all these fasinating things in nature, probably know that I don't cunduct many "science experiments" on my own. So, by deduction you can probably know that I decided to see how long I could go without sleep. I have found that talking to some-one important to you, eating, reading, listening to music, and some other things, have a tendancy to keep you awake. So, being the crazy person I am, I like to see how far I can streatch the line.
 Now, with that back story, I am ready to tell you what I am wanting to talk about.
 Picture, 11 oclock tuesday night, and no rush to go to bed because your allergies are acting up. One of your best friends has already contacted you that night, saying they would be on after they got a few other things done. You get on the messenger that you always talk on, and try your best to wait patiently for their green symbol to pop up on your  screen, saying they are on. You wait for about 20min, get tired, and decide to play a game on your tablet until they pop up. You play for about 10min, and are bored with that idea, so you go back to the page, and wait some more. another 5min goes by, and to your relief, their green dot pops up, and sudenly you recieve a new message "Sorry it took so long..." Your heart leaps for joy, and you reply! But then, they have to go again... but will be back sooner than they were before, you reluctantly agree, and wait longer... They come back again, and you are more excited... You decide that you want to voice chat instead of type, that voice chat suddenly turns into a video chat, and you two are very happy to see eachother. The time flies by, and suddenly,it is 3:15 am and neither of you are tired, a bit. You decide to keep talking, and 3:15, turns into 4:15, and then you're getting tired. "How late do you want to stay up?" your friend asks "I just figure I won't go to bed." You reply, and so you talk until 6 when you are supposed to get up in the morning!
 Obviously, you are tired. Think about it, you have just stayed up for 24 hours straight! Congragulations, You have accomplished something than the average person can do! Now, the real trick, is to see how long you can stay up, without it effecting anything, not your mood, not your appetite, not ANYTHING. Considering that the longest I have ever stayed up without anything changing, is about 40 hours, I have this awful desire to break my record! I am a very competitve person (as some of you may know) and when I put my mind to something I will do it, eventually. I have ABSOLUTELY NO desire to go the whole 48 hours right now. I have just stayed up 24, and that's enough for me. I think I will work up to it eventually :P And, I will for sure sleep well tonight.
 I did have a great time though. Talking to your best friend, is something that everyone loves to do, and being able to do so all the time... makes you feel really happy inside.
This poses my question: When is too late? does it come at 8:30 for some, and 10:30 for otherrs? What is this about so called "night owls"? And WHY IN THE WORLD do they like to stay up so early?!?!?!? ( Yes, I meant to put early, they don't  stay up "late" as in, 1ish am, they stay up till 4 am on a REGULAR BASIS, and still wake up in time to do stuff in the day!) I like to think that I am one of these so called "night owls" but, what makes you such a thing? I have no resemblance to an owl, and I don't sleep all day. I would refer to be called "some-one who can't sleep" Because, I can't. Sleep is over rated, and I can sleep when I'm dead.
So, anyway, that is my most recent sleep experience, or lack there of, and I hope you enjoyed it! *Please use cation if you intend on trying this at home, I would not suggest doing anything to important the next day, until you get some sleep. For the normal human, such things are not attainable. But, seeing as, I am ninja like that... I have skills :P*
 Thank you for reading this small blog! I enjoyed writting it! Have a great day and PLEASE SUBSCRIBE. To subscribe press the big "Join This Sight Now" button on the right of this page, and follow the instructions. Thank you again! Your faithful wrighter, A J