Friday, March 23, 2012

First Blog.

Hello reader: This is me, I am a junior in highschool, very sarcastic, love to read, love to hear/play any type of music I can find that is worth while, and I am homeschooled. Now, I know what you are thinking "this is by a 'normal' teenager... homeschooling isn't normal!" I will give you that it is not the norm. But, I will also give you that it is just plain amazing! Many people ask me all the time: What it is like to be "homeschooled"? Do you have a social life? How many times do you go to church? Is it true that your mom is the teacher, and your dad is the principle? Do you actually do school? This will be my first blog. And all these questions about "homeschooling" are what I will attend to today. First question: What is it like to be "homeschooled"? Since I have already started out saying that homeschooling is awesome, I will say that I really enjoy all the extra curricular activities, and extra time that we enjoy by being homeschooled. But sometimes it comes around to nip us in the butt! Sometimes we get behind because life takes a turn that we didn't expect. But on the other hand, you can also get ahead! Something that you aren't allowed to do in public school, if you are having an easy time with school you get put in the smart class and get sent home with way to much homework, while if you are having to hard of a time you get put in the dumb class. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against public school. If you aren't able to teach your kids, I do think they should go to school to get some kind of education. Education is a gift from God, and should be treasured. Second question: Do you have a social life? Yes. Blunt, full out YES! I have more friends than your average highschooler. "Normal" teenagers spend all their time in a class room, filled with people their own age, every day all day, and the people never change. On the other hand, I (and other homeschoolers) have to go out and track down relationships with other people. And the only people that we see every day is our family. And against common thought, our siblings are not our best friends! I would know that better than anyone. Yes, you should be friends with your siblings, but you definately need friendships outside home. My only sibling is going to be three in November, she is not my best friend. We get along, but she isn't my best friend! Third question: How many times do you go to church? I go to church a lot more than a normal person, so I am not the best person to ask this question, but I will give my honest answer. I have youth group on Monday nights, Dance lessons (which we hold at our church) on Tuesday nights, Awana club on Wednesday nights, I don't go to church Thursday- Saturday unless there is a special occasion, and of course on Sundays, I attend Roy Bible Church, where the amazing Pastor Kenny teaches us God's word! (Now that I'm done bragging on my pastor :P ) Fourth Question: Is it true that your mom is the teacher and your dad is the principal? Yes, Dad is the principal, yes mom is the teacher. I actually do most of my studying on my own now that I am in highschool, but my sister who is learning to read is very much all in my moms control! Fifth question: Do you actually do school? May I just say that I absolutely despise this question. What do you think we do all day? Sit around and eat pom poms? How do you think we learn anything? We have to know how to read and at least know easy math for a job at McDonalds. If you were going to teach your children everything they need to know in the future do you really think that you would only teach the enough to get a job at McDonalds? No, I think not. You want what is best for your children and so do the parents who homeschool! Now, I don't think that being homeschooled is such a big deal anymore. But, I still get a lot of questions so, I would like to just answer the more common ones in one spot. Thank you all for reading! I hope to see you again next time I post!- Your faithful writer, AJ :) See you soon.


  1. the actual term is "nip in the bud" an agricultural term that means to stop, kill or deter. people always mispronounce it though, so I forgive you. you can now have another phrase that annoys you.

  2. . I didn't know that it was a saying... I just thought of it. But thanks for the update on culture! I don't think it annoys me though. Sorry :P
