Saturday, May 3, 2014

Why delete your life?

So… Everyone has a past. Right? And, obviously, there are going to be some things that you regret, and some things you enjoy. Some things you cry over, some things you rejoice over. Some things you get mad at, some things you laugh at. But all in all, we have each led a pretty decent life. Yes, some bad that you would like to regret. But still, not bad. As most of you well know, there was this guy: Who will stay "un-named". And he basically put my heart through a shredder. Am I grateful that he did now? Yes. Because I ended up with something much better for me. Anyway… That said, I'll continue on my rant. :) For some reason unbeknownced to me, my ex-boyfriends web sight popped up in my browser as my "Most viewed" ( Probably because I sank it to my old email, and everything is old on here ;) ) AAANNNYYYWAY!!!… I was curious to see if he had updated his sight since we broke up, so I took a look, and he had gotten rid of his blog. It was NOWHERE to be found. I even searched for it through "GOOGLE". But it was seriously NOWHERE!!! Anyway, I was a little distraught. I knew that he had a lot of his life saved on that thing. Not just our relationship. And this got me thinking. There is a lot of our lives on the internet nowadays. As you can see "here" . Anyway, I'm not against staying up in the times, or finding a new thing to absorb your time into. There's " Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Pintrest, Google, Instagram, Flicker, MySpace, Tagged, meet up, Meet Me, and Classmates." (Just to name a few. ;) ) So… My thought is "If we are going to spend so much of our time investing in something on the internet, for the world to see… Shouldn't we at least have the common courtesy to not just let that part of our lives go down the drain with a click of a button? When I got dumped, the first thing my mom said to me was "Don't go through deleting things you will regret deleting." And that is some sound advice. That's a piece of your life. Don't throw it away. It's easy to delete something. Not so easy to get it back. And when I'm older with alzheimer's, I would like to look back at this blog and remember who I was, what I did, and who I was friends with. Even if the friendships didn't last long. I want to look back and think I'm friends with the whole world by logging into my Facebook, or whatever the new thing is that day. :P
I'm just saying… Isn't it kinda silly to work hard at something, and throw it away later?
It doesn't make sense to me. Why delete your life away?
Anyway… :P That's the rant today. :)
Your faithful writer   A J
Talk to you later!