Monday, July 23, 2012

What is life?

             Nothing to exciting I guess... Just back to normal life. Getting my Broadway fix as I type. :) I love this part of my life! Learning about music, is one of the best things EVER! It's also extremely helpful when you're trying to forget about something you don't want to think about. Just letting y'all know just in case! :P
             Many, many times we forget what life is about. So, I have a question for y'all to think about... What is life? This is quite the worldview question. You could wimp out, and use the dictionary definition: Existence in the physical world. But, I want ya'll to dig deeper! Really think about it. What does it mean to live? What are you living for? Is it worth it? If not, What would you rather be doing? Or should you just be happy with what you are already living for?
              All these questions should be answered. And if you don't have an answer, don't fret! Just find out what your answers are. Many times people go their whole lives without really knowing what they live for. I encourage you to figure out what it is that you live for, and if it's what you want to live for, find a way to pursue it harder.
               Unfortunately I don't know all of you on a personal level, so I can't help you... But, answering the questions above should help. I hope. :)

                  I don't really have much to say today, but I hope you enjoyed it. And I hope you all think about this REALLY HARD! :) Thanks for reading! Your writer- A J

Friday, July 13, 2012

How to use sarcasm... correctly.

Sarcasm... Ah, the mysteries, the joys! The many things you can say, then say "I was being sarcastic."
This blog is to help you master the art of sarcasm, and realize when someone else is using it.

Top Phrases: 
1. "Lovely!" Basic definition: Lovable, delightful, beautiful, grand, swell.
2. "Wow!" Basic definition: Striking success, expressing pleasure and surprise.
3. "Really?" Basic definition: Real, in actuality, true, unquestionable.

I probably should have stated the rules first, but I didn't think about that till just now, and am to lazy to go back and fix it... :P and ya'll are smart, you can figure it out!
1. When using sarcasm, say exactly the opposite of what you mean. This is the most difficult part of sarcasm. But, it's also the most fun part!
2. When using sarcasm, only use it with people who know the rules of sarcasm. If you decide to use sarcasm places no-one knows what you're talking about, you will have to teach them the un-spoken rules of sarcasm.
3. When using sarcasm, be careful what you're saying out loud. Most sarcastic comments are meant to be kept inside, because they are not usually the nicest things to say.

Now that you have the Rules, and Phrases to use. You need to know when to use them. Obviously, you don't use sarcasm in tight, hefty, or important situations. PLEASE only use sarcasm when you are in a situation that you won't get in trouble for joking, teasing, or playing. 
Sarcasm is an amazing form of communication. One that I never use, as you can tell from my blog! But mastering this form of communication is a long tiresome path that only a few reach the end of total mastery. Please don't give up on this journey, the one you take when you read this blog and decide to do something about it! mastering this art is extremely difficult, and must be done with caution.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope it helped you understand sarcasm better! :)
Your writer: A J Please subscribe!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


"Slugs and snails, and puppy dog tails." I started my last blog with the poem about girls. So, I figured it was only fair to start this one with the boy poem.
Shall we begin?
I have always thought there was something special about little boys... When, and if I have children of my own, I hope to have little boys. :) They are really cute I must say... And some of the most cute things they do have to do with cars, and guns. You just have to learn how to teach them how to use the things they like to have correctly. Teach them not to shoot people, but animals to bring home to the girls in the kitchen. If you teach them to have proper gun safety, to respect the weapon and what it can do, they will use them correctly.
Boys will be boys. If you take the toy gun, they will make one, if you take the one they make they will use their finger, and I'd like to see you take that away. Boys are meant to be the man of the house someday, if you don't teach them from the beginning to be so, then they will become feminine, and that is something you don't want. Girls now a days are taught to want an emotional guy, with no manhood whatsoever. Emotions are not bad things, and it's not bad to show them. Just usually, boys are to be in more control than the girls. To the boys reading, opening up is not a bad thing, just I wouldn't go around flaunting your emotions to just anybody.
The thing is, that many boys have been dumbed down to the point that their masculinity is almost non-existent. I believe that our world needs to stop dumbing our boys down into little girls, and start teaching them how to be gentlemen, and little boys.
Since I am not a boy, I probably don't have as much to say on boys as I had on girls. The main point is, Stop feminising our little boys.
Thanks for reading this blog, I hope you enjoyed it! :) Thanks again, and please subscribe!!! :) A J  :)