Last time I "blogged" I wrote this semi-interesting piece on time. I don't know who read that, or even if ya'll liked it because *cough* no-one commented, or subscribed! *cough* Anyway... Back to the subject. Time... let's see, I went over how creepy it is to think of the "present" as the "present". (If you don't know what I am talking about, please, go back, read, and catch up!) I have considered this more, and it is still freaky. Here in the comfort of my home, I have a clock. That clock goes, "tick, tock, tick, tock" until it's battery dies. It is incapable of moving itself from it's situation, can't change itself, is literally dead! We, are just like that clock. Give me some time to explain myself here, I am not saying that you are dead (except for if you are "dead in your sin" and need to be revived by the holy spirit), I am not saying that you can't move, and I'm not saying that you can't change. But in a sense, I am saying that you can't change. We cannot go back in time, or forward in time for that matter. Not only is it a ridiculous assumption, but would you really want to? Don't just jump to conclusions here, Really think about this for a moment please. Say, you did something bad, that you shouldn't have done. And I'm sure we can all picture ourselves doing that un-known act that no-one knows you did but yourself, that you regret every time you think about it. Maybe you have pushed this so far out of your head, that you don't really remember anymore. If that is you, congratulations, you have found your "happy place!", just imagine yourself having done something wrong. It would be nice to go back, and just not do that, wouldn't it? If you said "yes" you haven't thought this out enough. But, I won't make you re-think it for a while yet. Say, you are in your local candy store, there are these BIG TUBS of candy and you get to scoop you're desired candy into the plastic baggy of your choice. You found a tub of candy that you thought looked really good, but had never seen it before, so decided to try a piece. But, it was so good, that you tried another, and another, and another, till the tub looked half full. Obviously this is hypothetical, and if this is your "bad thing" that you shouldn't have done, I am not psych, and I am so sorry for putting it on the internet for the world to see, if you have a problem email me, if you put up a good enough argument, I just might change it ;) Now, think what would happen if you could go back to the candy store, knowing that you regret your actions, and not eat the candy. Not a bad idea. Yes? NO! If you hadn't made that mistake at the candy store, you would have made it somewhere else. We are people, people usually learn from their mistakes. If you hadn't "stolen" from the candy store, you might have gotten up one day and decided that it was a good day to rob a bank, or something more extreme/severe than a candy store. Going back in time, even for something as small as eating candy before you payed for it, could alter your entire being. You would not be the person you are today without your past. Your past is a big part of who you are. Everyones past is filled with good things, and bad things. Without either one of these qualities, you would be so much different than you are today. I don't care who you are, your past has a lot to do with who you are today. So, I hope I have put a new light on those weird si-fi movies about going back, and altering the past to make things better. Because, I don't think it would make things better to go back and say, kill Hitler before he had the chance to start up those camps. Because if Hitler didn't do it, someone else would. Which is also why it's important not to forget our history. If we forget what we have done in the past, and how we felt, it is a very strong probability that we will repeat the same stupid mistakes that we have made before. Just like a song, that repeats itself over and over till you are screaming "WE GET THE POINT!". That is what our history will start to look like if we decide to change/forget the past.
I hope you enjoyed this blog, if there is more you would like me to add, or something you think I should write about, please, leave a comment, or email me. And SUBSCRIBE!!!! (not that I'm pushy or anything :D ) Thank you for reading, and dedicating to me some of the time in your day. I definitely appreciate it. Your faithful writer